Sunday, March 18, 2012

Shortcuts to Bernoulli Equation

Here are some shortcuts to bernoulli equation. Finding the speed of fluid in a venturimeter and a hole of a fluid tank.

The speed of water out of the hole V and the horizontal range of water trajectory we could find easily with with formulae:

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Parabolic Motion in Daily Activities

Teacher : Could you give me some examples of  projectile motion in our daily activities?
Student : There are alot of examples of projectile motion in our daily activities sir. I need more specific items.
Teacher : Sports!
Student : football, basketball,  golf, even badminton sir.
Teacher : When you throw your dirty cloth to the bucket, is that projectile motion?
Student : I think, yes
Teacher : Projectle motion contents two kind of motions. Do you know that?
Student : Commonly it contents uniformly straight motion and an accelerated motion.

eV to joule Conversion

Here an examples how to convert the unit of energy in eV to joule. Some questions do need this conversion to get the result.

5 MeV = .... joule

You knew already that M mean Mega = 106 , and eV is electronvolt.

Take an attention that
1 eV = 1,6 x 10−19 joule

So then we have

5 MeV = 5 x 106 x 1,6 x 10−19 joule
5 MeV = 8 x 10−13 joule