Tuesday, March 29, 2011

International Physics Olympiads

This is a link for International Physics Olympiads


A lotof  useful informations  you'll find there, some of them:
-International Board Minutes from 1999-2009
-The last and the next Physics Olympiads informations
-Lists of literatures
-The syllabus
and many others.

The most important, the ultimate one is The Problems and Solutions from Year 1967 of IPho I Warsaw, Poland till IPho 2009 (XL Merida, Mexico) , both theoritical and experimental problems and solutions, you'll get even you can download them, bring them to your desktop. Most of them in PDF format and doc format, some of in html format. Just need a few time for each files to download, cause of little size.
This link is very useful and very important for physics teachers, especially senior high school for preparation olympiads events in their countries.


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