Saturday, January 14, 2012

Bernoulli's Equation FAQ

Teacher : What is bernoulli's equation about?
Student : Gases sir!
Teacher : just only gases?
Student : Ehmm,.. water, oil, fluids?
Teacher : Could you write down the bernoulli equation?
Student : Here it is sir,
               P + 1/2 ρ v2 + ρ g h = constant
Teacher : Could you give more explanation what is constant meant in your equation?
Student : That is meant
               P1+ 1/2 ρ v12 + ρ g h1 =  P2 + 1/2 ρ v22 + ρ g h2
Teacher : Consider that you have a horizontal pipe that water flows in it, what will you do with your equation?
Student : We should cancel the h sir, because h1 = h2 so the equation will be like this
               P1+ 1/2 ρ v12  =  P2 + 1/2 ρ v22

Teacher : Ok the last state your symbols in the equation and you may go home!
Student : P = pressure in pascal
ρ = fluid density
v = the speed of fluid flows
h = the level of height of a point in the fluid
g = the acceleration due to gravity