Saturday, January 14, 2012

Converting kWh to joule

How we convert the unit of kWh to joule?
For instance a lamp uses 6 kWh of electric energy. How we convert it in joule?
kWh means kilo watt hour and 1 kilo watt means 1.000 watt and 1 hour means (60x60) second. So then
5 kWh = 5 x 1.000 x 3.600 = 18.000.000 joule
or for simplicity just multiply with 3.600.000
12 kWh = ...... joule
the answer
12 kWh = 12 x 3.600.000 = 43.200.000 joule

How about joule to kWh?
72 MJ = ..... kWh

MJ means mega joule, where 1 MJ = 1.000.000 joule
so then we have
72 MJ = (72 x 1.000.000) : 3.600.000
= 20 kWh